XLT 5.4.0
Homepage | Download | Release Notes | Fixed Issues
- Improvement: Timers.csv files are now stored gzipped to save disk space and speed up report generation with slower disks. (#79)
- Improvement: The report generator prints progress information and remaining runtime now. (#80)
- Fix: The socket instrumentation code could not be installed when running a test scenario with Java 16. (#83)
- af-south-1: ami-07a5a2ed08c17c7c2
- ap-east-1: ami-08fa35badf072a94e
- ap-northeast-1: ami-006f84bec1360edfc
- ap-northeast-2: ami-02189b6fbd042620e
- ap-south-1: ami-0c24420ac1f287740
- ap-southeast-1: ami-0b43a0203813046ed
- ap-southeast-2: ami-0d515810342b8eb41
- ca-central-1: ami-0dd9f865403a4c845
- eu-central-1: ami-0d27483f8585ffe53
- eu-north-1: ami-06c6dcdd2336045c5
- eu-south-1: ami-0c769435addcd468c
- eu-west-1: ami-059ac9fac12e2af43
- eu-west-2: ami-07067616e4001cfe3
- eu-west-3: ami-0949248b281ae74e3
- me-south-1: ami-0df84287992e8d7b1
- sa-east-1: ami-087dd5f11b754f833
- us-east-1: ami-01f30091020d1934a
- us-east-2: ami-0b3149f5380c5f94c
- us-west-1: ami-03ebe6f6e6ccda29f
- us-west-2: ami-0aae02a72bd455321