Homepage | Download | Release Notes | Fixed Issues
- New Feature: Allow to log custom data to files, separated by scope, and make those files accessible in the report. (#383)
- Fix: Fixed a problem with caching resources and revalidating expired resources. (#543)
- Fix: Result browsers were not displayed correctly on mobile devices. (#537)
Xceptance provides machine images for Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud with XLT installed and configured for use as load agents.
Debian 12 (amd64)
- af-south-1: ami-0da0ada08e0bf9d38
- ap-east-1: ami-0362a1ba5a8bf3843
- ap-northeast-1: ami-0794a7ef164ecf580
- ap-northeast-2: ami-0392fb5e21ecb8691
- ap-northeast-3: ami-0eef47f19f417d77a
- ap-south-1: ami-00a7e7c60c1675f0d
- ap-southeast-1: ami-09501bd57179b226d
- ap-southeast-2: ami-079212a0d7aeaa59e
- ca-central-1: ami-0ee3996c835a89f6d
- eu-central-1: ami-0803cb0bc8ba2c1ad
- eu-north-1: ami-0dbc8a61523af64e0
- eu-south-1: ami-0f57a1da4b7ea06fe
- eu-west-1: ami-0b3487e13710b7c9d
- eu-west-2: ami-0f11db849b2e9f443
- eu-west-3: ami-08c63f72924c7bec3
- me-south-1: ami-0e52eaffebdd654ec
- sa-east-1: ami-0ab1293ae133b33d2
- us-east-1: ami-08dc56cc0b14e5682
- us-east-2: ami-0579a16159019d343
- us-west-1: ami-0c3946f176653de66
- us-west-2: ami-0f0721e794a44f63c
Debian 12 (arm64)
- eu-central-1: ami-0f6ff65da9bc5f7fb
Xceptance does not guarantee that the AMIs provided will be available forever. We strongly encourage you to migrate to the latest version frequently. If you need to maintain a particular setup for an extended period of time, please contact Xceptance and consider a support contract.