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bdre planning roadmap

Sri Harsha Boda edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 1 revision
SL No. Category Task Description Owner Status Priority Target Date Comments
Quality Test existing features Testing of navigation,UI etc.
Quality Test existing Jobs Create different types of workflows from BDRE (e.g, DQ,Hive Test Data Generation,Ingestion,etc.
Quality Testing existing features black box testing of API
Testing Write missing test cases Write missing Junit test cases.
Quality Implement and enforce Sonar Bring back Sonar testing and code quality check
Strategic Make BDRE open source
Feature Develop UI for workflow creation
Feature Deployment automation
Feature Flume integration and file ingestion
Feature Code upload feature from BDRE
Feature Enhancement of D2P ,feature with tarball export
Feature Data Ingestion from an API end point periodically
Infrastructure BDRE inhouse cluster
Infrastructure Dedicated end networking for BDRE
Feature Data Profiling collect cardinalities of several fields as the data is being read to process and supplement it with the Data Model feature
Feature Integrate Spark with BDRE Develop Java wrapper class to invoke Spark from Oozie or invoke spark submit via a shell script.Real value is in reusing existing spark context for an application as generally spark context initialization for every job on Yarn is very slow. This would also allow us to reuse RDDs across jobs reusing the same context.Make changes in the workflow.
Feature Workflow validation at design time Is it possible to inspect and validate compatibility of tasks defined in a workflow at design time? Can we make the components to adhere to a standard interface via which they would advertise what type of data they would be expecting which would help do the validation?
Feature Performance Monitoring Build a statistical model capturing the performance profile of a job and flag any violations
Feature Decision support for Oozie workflow
Build end-to-end usecases for BDRE
Marketing Video for BDRE demo
Feature Implementing landing dashboard for BDRE
Feature Hive to RDBMS data export
Onboard user experience expert
Marketing Marketable presentation for BDRE
Marketing Press release for BDRE
Feature File level lineage for BDRE
Documentation BDRE technical documentation
Documentation BDRE functional documentation
Strategic Build engineering friendly environment.
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