HuskTowns 3.0.3 - Better performance, WorldGuard hook
HuskTowns 3.0.3 improves plugin performance and adds a WorldGuard hook.
- Significantly improved claim caching for faster lookups. This should have considerable performance improvements for larger servers.
- Added WorldGuard API hook for land claim prevention, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#435)
- Added config options for changing chat characters used in the town map, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#427)
- Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @jhqwqmc and @MSCMDD (#421, #426, #439)
- Fixed some missing startup error trace logging
To update, just drag+drop.
📋 HuskTowns binaries are only distributed on Spigot, Polymart, or BuiltByBit.