Rock-Paper-Scizzor ✂️ 🪨 📃
Rock-Paper-Scizzor is a web-based game that lets you play the classic game of rock-paper-scissors with a simple and elegant user interface. You can choose from three options: rock, paper, or scissor, and the winner is determined based on the following rules:
Rock beats scissor
Scissor beats paper
Paper beats rock
If both players choose the same option, it’s a tie
How to use 🎮
To use this game, you need to clone this repository and open the index.html file in your browser. Alternatively, you can visit the Live Demo. You will see three buttons: rock, paper, and scissor. Click on the one you want to choose, and the game will show you the result and your score. You can play as many rounds as you want, and reset the score by clicking on the reset button