Simple timers in your Discord server!
!WARNING! timers work only while your application running. If you restart your application, all timers will disappear!
This bot have few simple commands.
/retime <name> <about> <time> <role> <timings>
- Name of your timer. Must be unique, don't use any name from your active timers
- Description of your timer. Anything to be shown
- How much time your timer will tick. Must be formatted like %d:%h:%m for example: 7d:5h:11m / 14h:30m / 1h / 30m
- Noticing role. Any role like @everyone, etc...
- Timings when timer will notice with message. For example: 1d-Deadline is approaching, 12h-Hurry!, 30m-Last chance...
Full command must look like this:
/retime name: **Break reminder
about: Don't forget to take a break!
time: 8h
role: @Workers
timings: 7h-First break, 6h-Second break, 5h-Long break. Time to eat!, 3h-Smoke break, 1h-Last break. Working day is almost done!
If command is correct, you will see this:
Show all active timers. Nothing else!
For manual running you need:
- Clone this repository or Code -> Download ZIP and unzip to any folder
- Create your Discord bot application. Discord Developer Portal
- Install Python 3.10 or newer version
- Go to src/ and fill TOKEN with your Discord Application Token and optionally GUILD_ID
- Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start
After this you can add your Discord Application to server.
ReTimer bot will be online. Now you can use commands. See Using
For running via Docker you need:
In progress...