A centralized location to download the game.
I will now make a changelog with the folders that were changed starting today. If I only added a few files, I will link to them directly. You can update folders by going to http://kinolien.github.io/gitzip/ and pasting in the URL of the folders.
August 2, 2016 - ??pm
- Data
- Graphics/Icons (too many to list)
- Monsoon Season Screen
- Dry Season Screen
- Tileset Monsoon
- Tileset Dry
- Location Season
- Alolan Vulpix Front
- Alolan Vulpix Back
- Alolan Vulpix OW
- Alolan Ninetales Front
- Alolan Ninetales Back
- Alolan Ninetales OW
- Nurse OW
- Nurse OW 2
August 3, 2016 - ??pm
August 6, 2016 - 1am (Because why not)
August 7, 2016 - 2am (Love Late Nights)
- Data (Updated Alolan Forms with Abilities)
- Female Trainer Mugshot
August 29, 2016 - 10pm
- Data
- Graphics/Characters (I renamed files apparently)
September 1, 2016 - (Even bigger than the big one? It should be, I fixed so much!)
- Data
- Sylveon Front
- Sylveon Back
- Deleted Sylveon Shiny front (650s.png), Shiny Back (650sb.png), and Shiny OW (650s.png) (They're redundant.)
- Male Trainer Surf
- Male Trainer Fishing
- Male Trainer Surf Fishing
- Male Trainer Dive
- Male Trainer Mew
- Male Trainer Mew Run
- Female Trainer Surf
- Female Trainer Fishing
- Female Trainer Surf Fishing
- Female Trainer Dive
- Female Trainer Mew
- Female Trainer Mew Run
- Renamed Unown K from 201_
- Renamed Shiny Unown K from 201_
- Outdoor Tileset
- Outdoor Dry Tileset
- Outdoor Monsoon Tileset
September 3, 2016
- Data
September 5, 2016
- Data
October 3, 2016 (It's been a month, I forgot what I did.)
- Data
- Editor.exe and Editor.ini
- Male Trainer Mugshot
November 8/9, 2016 (It's been another month, oops.)
- Data (Must Redownload)
- Graphics/Pictures/Clock (Skins)
- Audio/BGM (Just tossed in SM music, no previews.)
- Graphics/Animations
- Graphics/Battlebacks
- Subsitute Front and Subsitute Back
- Graphics/Transitions
- Graphics/Pictures/EBS
- Move Status Type
- Ball Empty,Ball Fainted, Ball Normal, and Ball Status
- Alois OW and Cordila OW
December 31, 2016 (Happy New Year!)
- Data (Must Redownload)
- Alois OW Alternate Sprites, Cordila OW Alternate Sprites and Velia OW Alternate Sprites
- There's a safety copy of the boy's surfing sprite, just ignore it, the game will create it itself.