🔭 I’m currently working at CrossRealms International as a Software Developer and Splunk Engineer.
💬 Talk to me about Splunk, Cyber Security, Python, JavaScript, and Open Source.
👯 I would love to collaborate on Open Source Cyber Security Python or JavaScript project.
I love Science (includes everything Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Technology and Maths. Connect with me with a new astrophysics concept, a new math puzzle, or Neurons and Brain and I would love to discuss that with you.
- Cyences (Cyber Defences) App - A blue team security tool.
- 3CX App for Splunk
- Splunk App for Auto Update MaxMind Database - App that lets you update MaxMind database (IP location) automatically on Splunk instances.
- Lansweeper App and Add-on for Splunk
- Powershell script to collect Windows Firewall and Defender ATP status
- Bubble Chart on Time - Custom visualization for Splunk to display bubble chart with time on X-axis.
Battleship Game - Battleship game built with Python. Game includes server and client both. The communication happens with socket only (Cannot use high-level library). Used Tkinter for GUI.
Faculty Portal - Faculty portal web application built with Java. It uses Hybernate with MySQL database and Java Servlets in the backend. Used Java Servlet, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap in the frontend.
Project allocation system - Student project allocation system built with PHP. It has different portal for faculty and student.
Hospital Management System - Hospital Management System built in ASP.NET REST Apis. Client is built with Java and HTML.
Linked List - Linked List examples built in C.
My Resume has more project than this. Connect with me and I would love to discuss those.