Install sqlite
###local run with test database: ./m_search.sh {request} {test database}
./m_search.sh "-r name:%index% and size>10000" "~/test.db"
this example return records about objects in container which name include "index" string and which size bigger than 10000 bytes.
./m_search.sh "-t name:index% and size<10000 and created_at>15.05.2014" "test.db"
this example return names of objects in container which name start with "index" string, which size less than 10000 bytes and which cteated after date 15.05.2014.
./m_search.sh "-s SELECT * FROM object WHERE name>index" "~/test.db"
this example use sql syntax for query
###run on zebra:
./zwift_m_search.sh {request} {container name}
./zwift_m_search.sh "-r size>10000" "test"
this example return names of objects in container which size bigger than 10000 bytes