A work in progress. A bit disjointed at the moment.
git submodule init
git submodule update
gem install json haml sinatra data_mapper sqlite dm-serializer
ruby init.rb
To add a scenario, issue a PUT
request in JSON.. ex:
cd argue-app/tools/scenarios
curl -vH "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data "@industrialists.json" http://localhost:4567/scenario/industrialists
To add a scenario, issue a PUT
request in JSON.. ex:
cd argue-app/tools/useris
curl -vH "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data "@mil.json" http://localhost:4567/user/666
Where you can PUT
you can also GET
back the JSON after its been stored. The eventual plan is for full REST.
Given a user is added http://localhost:4567/login
is a form for login.
If you curl'd the mil.json file as described earlier above, then you can log in with mil and 666.
Given a scenario is added, http://locahost:4567/scenarioId
can be used to view the scenario UI.
If you curl'd the industrialists.json file above you can go to http://localhost:4567/industrialists