This is a work-in-progress script to create data packages conforming to the RO-Crate Research Data packaging standard from LabArchives notebooks.
This is for experienced node developers only at the moment.
This is a proof of concept.
- More extensive testing than "that looks about right"
- Review the modeling of notebooks in RO-Crate
- Export comments
- Refine the way HTML is generated
Download the code using git.
From the commandline type:
npm install . --local
Add details of the the LabArchives server you want to use to a file named key.json
"akid": "utech_sydney",
"password": "----SECRET-----",
"baseurl": "",
"api": "/api"
NOTE: Lab archives uses two kinds of ID. You can use a temporary "Password Token for External applications" to get access or there is a permanent User ID which gives you API access. The recommended way to use the API is to fetch the User ID using the temporary token then store it.
- For usage information use:
node export.js --help
Usage: export [options]
Exports RO-Crate data packages from LabArchives - uses the
-V, --version output the version number
-l, --list-notebooks List notebooks
-m --metadata [ro-crate-metadata.jsonld] RO-Crate metadata file to use as a template for the root dataset and contextual entities (eg people)
-u --username Email address used for LabArchives login
-i --user-id [file] Path to a file containing a LabArchives user ID secret
-t --password-token [token] Lab Arvhives 'Password Token for External applications' via the menu that shows your name at top right of the webiste under 'LA App Authentication
-n, --notebook-id [nbid] ID of the notebook to export. Get a list via -l
-c --cratescript [crate] URL to the RO-Crate rendering script
-h, --help output usage information
- To get a secret ID, use:
node export.js -u [email protected] -t TOKEN -i ~/.lauid
- To get a list of notebooks to which you have access use this command:
node export.js -l -i ~/.lauid
NDYyMjIuOHwzNTU1Ni8zNTU1Ni9Ob3RlYm9vay8zMzc3ODg5ODY0fDExNzMzNC43OTk5OTk5OTk5OQ== Backup - Shared UTS procedures
NDYyMjQuMXwzNTU1Ny8zNTU1Ny9Ob3RlYm9vay80OTA2Nzk4NDF8MTE3MzM4LjA5OTk5OTk5OTk5 Backup - Template Supervise HDRS - copy
NDI0NDEuMXwzMjY0Ny8zMjY0Ny9Ob3RlYm9vay8zMjk5NTc3NzkxfDEwNzczNS4wOTk5OTk5OTk5OQ== UTS Rollout materials - use this to collaborate!
To export a notebook into the crates
directory given use one of the IDs:
node export.js -t test -i ~/.lauid -n NDI0NDEuMXwzMjY0Ny8zMjY0Ny9Ob3RlYm9vay8zMjk5NTc3NzkxfDEwNzczNS4wOTk5OTk5OTk5OQ== -m samples/tse/ro-crate-metadata.jsonld crates
To export Edwin Tse's giant, current, exemplary notebook on Open Malaria drug research with
addition top-level metadata from an existing RO-Crate (in samples/tse) using the -m
option (WARNING: This is
a BIG notebook):
node export.js -t test -i ~/.lauid -n MTYzLjh8MTUwOS8xMjYvVHJlZU5vZGUvMjUxNDEwNDEwOHw0MTUuOA== -m samples/tse/ro-crate-metadata.jsonld crates
Create laToRoCrate
key: json object
outDir: baseFile for exporting notebooks
metadataFileName: "ro-crate-metdatata.json"
log: boolean: display basic logs for debugging
const {LaToRoCrate} = require('labarchives-to-ro-crate');
const laToRoCrate = new LaToRoCrate(key, outDir, metadataFileName, log);
Export Notebook Sync
uid: user id
nbid: notebook id
rootDatasetName: name of the root dataset of the ro-crate
outputDirectoryName: directory name of the exported notebook
cratescript: <optional> crate script
metadataTemplate: <optional> metadata template from an existing ro-crate
pageMetaDescription: <optional> entry description to be written into ro-crate
await laToRoCrate.exportNotebookSync(uid, nbid, rootDatasetName, outputDirectoryName, cratescript, metadataTemplate, pageMetaDescription);