The purpose of the NWCEd package is to introduce users to the tools and functionalities of the National Water Census Data Portal (NWC-DP). The materials found in the package include custom functions, which allow the user to download hydrologic datasets and HUC information from the NWC-DP. The materials also include a series of stand-alone labs which instruct users on how to download and analyze NWC-DP datasets numerically and graphically in R. It is recommended that the labs be used as supplemental material in hydroscience courses at the college level.
Install and load devtools package in your environment.
Install and load NWCEd package in your environment.
Install and load the following packages to run in the respective labs using the same process as Step 1.
Lab # | Additional Required Packages |
Lab 3 |
Lab 4 |
Lab 5 |
Below is a table which lists the learning objectives for the the lab materials as a whole. Individual labs may not meet all the learning objectives. For material description, please see the Materials Description table below.
Learning Objective | Objective Description |
Access | Learn how to access hydrologic data and associated metatdata from the NWC-DP |
Analyze | Learn how to analyze NWC-DP data using numerical and graphical methods in R |
communicate | Practice how to communicate analysis through the use of graphs |
Lab # | Material Description | Link |
Lab 1 |
Lab 1 |
Lab 2 |
Lab 2 |
Lab 3 |
Lab 3 |
Lab 4 |
Lab 4 |
Lab 5 |
Lab 5 |
Function Name | Function Description |
getNWCData() | Downloads hydrologic datasets associated with a user-specified HUC ID |
getNWCWatershed() | Downloads HUC spacial data for user selected HUC ID |
annualize() | Converts daily time series datasets to annual time series datasets |
getNWISSite() | Verifies the information exists for user-selected NWIS gage |
getSWECSVBlock() | Accepts a url and returns a data frame of data for that SOS request |
Lp3 | Accepts a variable containing a NWC-DP dataset, applies a Log-Pearson Type III distribution, and returns a plot |
Double-Mass Curves
Statistical Methods in Water Resources
Daymet Model
Log-Pearson Type III Distribution
This package is considered a 'support' package. For more information, see:
This software is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the U.S. Geological Survey, an agency of the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the official USGS copyright policy at
Although this software program has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.
This software is provided "AS IS."