Releases: USEPA/camd-eia-crosswalk
EPA-EIA Power Sector Data Crosswalk v0.3 Release
This release includes added manual matches through a unit-by-unit investigation as well as new datasets (FRS IDs and NEEDS IDs). CAMD has also fixed an issue with the sequence numbers (a column added to maintain the order of the units in Excel), resulting in changes from v0.2.
- Updates and additions to the manual match file including unit exclusions and additional manual matches
- Inclusion of optional datasets (EPA's National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) v6 and EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS) ) enabled by respective flags in the R script
- A fix for matches that previously did not have sequence numbers
- Updated csv and xlsx output files
EPA-EIA Power Sector Data Crosswalk v0.2.1 Release
Hotfix release to fix a small bug in the sample analysis for v0.2.
This has no impact in the crosswalk output, but fixes an issue with the sample analysis.
- Fixed filename bug in sample analysis
- Updated README with same filename mismatch
- Updated README to add EPA crosswalk web page link
EPA-EIA Power Sector Data Crosswalk v0.2 Release
Second release of a data crosswalk to integrate U.S. power sector emission and operation data. Provided in this repo are both the outputs of the crosswalk (csv and xlsx format) as well as the R script (in an R markdown document) that generates these outputs.
- Methodology to incorporate EIA boiler identifiers
- Addition of manual match file, which includes manual matches and exclusions added by CAMD staff
- Methodology to incorporate manual matches and exclusions before automated steps
- Addition of field/column descriptions in output xlsx and standalone csv
- Addition of an example analysis that can be performed with this crosswalk
CAMD-EIA Crosswalk v0.1 beta
Initial release of a data crosswalk to integrate U.S. power sector emission and operation data. Provided in this repo are both the outputs of the crosswalk (csv and xlsx format) as well as the R script (in an R markdown document) that generates these outputs.
This is marked as a beta release, because CAMD plans to add code for manual matching of units that are unable to be matched through automated processes at a later time.