1029 commits
to master
since this release
In this release:
- multifasta support
- under the hood, vadr, pangolin, and nextclade are not run individually any longer - this is due to adding in multifasta support
- nextclade prep process has been merged into the nextclade process - since nextclade is now only run once
- a new parameter designating with nextclade dataset to use is introduced params.nextclade_dataset = 'sars-cov-2'
- the algined fasta from nextclade can now be used to create a tree with iqtree
- set params.msa = 'nextclade' when params.relatedness = true
- a new script that uses pandas to combine nextclade, vadr, and pangolin results.
- This changes the columns of the summary file (sorry!) in a new process named combine_results
- using the quay.io/biocontainers/pandas:1.1.5 as the default container for the process summary and fasta_prep