This code will setup Google perfkit and ELK to run benchmarks, collect metrics and visulise the data.
The code can operate in two ways:
- complete setup including ELK
- workload-launcher only which can send to an existing ELK stack
The code requires two servers
- workload-launcher: Ubuntu 14.04
- perfkit-elk: Centos 7.3
The workload launcher must be configured for keyless to the centos server using the centos user for ansible to work.
Firewall rules must be as follows:
- workload-launcher: 22
- perfkit-elk: 80 for kibana, 22 and 9200 from the workload-launcher for ansible and elasticsearch
Please Note: If you are creating your servers on openstack, then please use security groups for implementing firewall rules
git clone
cd perfkit
You need to add the elasticsearch endpoint (internal IP of the elasticsearch node setup above):
/home/ubuntu/perfkit/inventories/production/hosts e.g.
[elk] ansible_user=centos
/home/ubuntu/perfkit/roles/perfkit/vars/main.yml e.g.
If you are downloading a minimal iso image of ubuntu then most probably, there is not ansible installed. Check by running following command:
ansible --version
If ansible is installed and the version is less than 2.2 then please make sure that you have the latest version of ansible. The playbooks will not work for versions below 2.2 Run following commnds to install latest version of ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
Once configure run:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/production/hosts site.yml
You'll need to have downloaded a valid OpenStackRC file and placed it in /home/ubuntu/
aws configure
azure login
gcloud init
The code requires a single server
- workload-launcher: Ubuntu 14.04
Firewall rules must be as follows:
- workload-launcher: 22
git clone
cd perfkit
You need to add the elasticsearch endpoint:
Once configure run:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/production/hosts workload-launcher.yml
Please note that at the end of deployment a cronjob is created for the benchmark to run at 5:00AM and 10:00 PM everyday.
To run the benchmarks run:
usage: [-h] --cloud_provider CLOUD_PROVIDER --config CONFIG
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cloud_provider CLOUD_PROVIDER
Service provider to benchmark [OpenStack |
VMware | AWS-UK | AWS-US | Azure | Google]
--config CONFIG Path to perfkit yaml config
Example: Assuming that perfkit is installed in /home/ubuntu/perfkit
./ --config /home/ubuntu/perfkit/region2.config --cloud_provider OpenStack
Key | Value |
flavor_name | t1.small |
zones | 00021-2 |
image | '"Ubuntu 14.04"' |
openstack_network | net-1 |
openstack_volume_type | TIER1 |