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Fix particle gibbs example (#58)
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* Fix particle gibbs example

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FredericWantiez authored Jun 16, 2022
1 parent 21d0425 commit 0bb8fde
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 58 deletions.
77 changes: 41 additions & 36 deletions examples/gaussian-ssm/script.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ using Plots
# y_{t} = x_{t} + \nu_{t} \quad \nu_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, r^2)
# ```
# Here we assume the static parameters $\theta = (a, q^2, r^2)$ are known and we are only interested in sampling from the latent state $x_t$.
# To use particle gibbs with the ancestor sampling step we need to provide both the transition and observation densities.
# From the definition above we get:
# Here we assume the static parameters $\theta = (a, q^2, r^2)$ are known and we are only interested in sampling from the latent states $x_t$.
# To use particle gibbs with the ancestor sampling update step we need to provide both the transition and observation densities.
# From the definition above we get:
# ```math
# x_{t+1} \sim f_{\theta}(x_{t+1}|x_t) = \mathcal{N}(a x_t, q^2)
# ```
Expand All @@ -25,55 +26,54 @@ using Plots
# ```
# as well as the initial distribution $f_0(x) = \mathcal{N}(0, q^2/(1-a^2))$.

# We are ready to use `AdvancedPS` with our model. We first need to define a model type that subtypes `AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel`.
# To use `AdvancedPS` we first need to define a model type that subtypes `AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel`.
Parameters = @NamedTuple begin

mutable struct NonLinearTimeSeries <: AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel
mutable struct LinearSSM <: AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel
NonLinearTimeSeries::Parameters) = new(Vector{Float64}(), θ)
LinearSSM::Parameters) = new(Vector{Float64}(), θ)

# and the densities defined above.
f(m::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(m.θ.a * state, m.θ.q) # Transition density
g(m::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(state, m.θ.r) # Observation density
f₀(m::NonLinearTimeSeries) = Normal(0, m.θ.q^2 / (1 - m.θ.a^2)) # Initial state density
f(m::LinearSSM, state, t) = Normal(m.θ.a * state, m.θ.q) # Transition density
g(m::LinearSSM, state, t) = Normal(state, m.θ.r) # Observation density
f₀(m::LinearSSM) = Normal(0, m.θ.q^2 / (1 - m.θ.a^2)) # Initial state density
#md nothing #hide

# To implement `AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel` we need to define a few functions to specify the dynamics of the system:
# - `AdvancedPS.initialization` the initial state density
# - `AdvancedPS.transition` the state transition density
# - `AdvancedPS.observation` the observation score given the observed data
# - `AdvancedPS.isdone` signals the end of the execution for the model
AdvancedPS.initialization(model::NonLinearTimeSeries) = f₀(model)
AdvancedPS.transition(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, step) = f(model, state, step)
function AdvancedPS.observation(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, step)
# We also need to specify the dynamics of the system through the transition equations:
# - `AdvancedPS.initialization`: the initial state density
# - `AdvancedPS.transition`: the state transition density
# - `AdvancedPS.observation`: the observation score given the observed data
# - `AdvancedPS.isdone`: signals the end of the execution for the model
AdvancedPS.initialization(model::LinearSSM) = f₀(model)
AdvancedPS.transition(model::LinearSSM, state, step) = f(model, state, step)
function AdvancedPS.observation(model::LinearSSM, state, step)
return logpdf(g(model, state, step), y[step])
AdvancedPS.isdone(::NonLinearTimeSeries, step) = step > Tₘ
AdvancedPS.isdone(::LinearSSM, step) = step > Tₘ

# Everything is now ready to simulate some data.

a = 0.9 # Scale
q = 0.32 # State variance
r = 1 # Observation variance
Tₘ = 300 # Number of observation
Nₚ = 50 # Number of particles
Tₘ = 200 # Number of observation
Nₚ = 20 # Number of particles
Nₛ = 500 # Number of samples
seed = 9 # Reproduce everything
seed = 1 # Reproduce everything

θ₀ = Parameters((a, q, r))

rng = Random.MersenneTwister(seed)

x = zeros(Tₘ)
y = zeros(Tₘ)

reference = NonLinearTimeSeries(θ₀)
reference = LinearSSM(θ₀)
x[1] = rand(rng, f₀(reference))
for t in 1:Tₘ
if t < Tₘ
Expand All @@ -82,35 +82,40 @@ for t in 1:Tₘ
y[t] = rand(rng, g(reference, x[t], t))

# Let's have a look at the simulated data from the latent state dynamics
# Here are the latent and obseravation timeseries
plot(x; label="x")

# and the observation data
plot(y; label="y")

model = NonLinearTimeSeries(θ₀)
# `AdvancedPS` subscribes to the `AbstractMCMC` API. To sample we just need to define a Particle Gibbs kernel
# and a model interface.
model = LinearSSM(θ₀)
pgas = AdvancedPS.PGAS(Nₚ)
chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ; progress=false)
chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ; progress=false);
#md nothing #hide

# The actual sampled trajectory is in the trajectory inner model
particles = hcat([chain.trajectory.model.X for chain in chains]...) # Concat all sampled states
mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2)
particles = hcat([chain.trajectory.model.X for chain in chains]...)
mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2);
#md nothing #hide

# This toy model is small enough to inspect all the generated traces:
scatter(particles; label=false, opacity=0.01, color=:black)
plot!(x; color=:red, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:orange, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)
plot!(x; color=:darkorange, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:dodgerblue, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)

# By sampling an ancestor from the reference particle in the particle gibbs sampler we split the
# trajectory of the reference particle.
# We used a particle gibbs kernel with the ancestor updating step which should help with the particle
# degeneracy problem and improve the mixing.
# We can compute the update rate of $x_t$ vs $t$ defined as the proportion of times $t$ where $x_t$ gets updated:
update_rate = sum(abs.(diff(particles; dims=2)) .> 0; dims=2) / Nₛ
#md nothing #hide

# and compare it to the theoretical value of $1 - 1/Nₚ$.
plot(update_rate; label=false, ylim=[0, 1], legend=:bottomleft)
hline!([1 - 1 / Nₚ]; label="N: $(Nₚ)")
Expand Down
82 changes: 60 additions & 22 deletions examples/particle-gibbs/script.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# # Particle Gibbs with Ancestor Sampling
# # Particle Gibbs for non-linear models
using AdvancedPS
using Random
using Distributions
Expand All @@ -8,10 +8,27 @@ using Random123
using Libtask: TArray
using Libtask

# We consider the following stochastic volatility model:
# ```math
# x_{t+1} = a x_t + v_t \quad v_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, r^2)
# ```
# ```math
# y_{t} = e_t \exp(\frac{1}{2}x_t) \quad v_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)
# ```
# Here we assume the static parameters $\theta = (q^2, r^2)$ are known and we are only interested in sampling from the latent state $x_t$.
# We can reformulate the above in terms of transition and observation densities:
# ```math
# x_{t+1} \sim f_{\theta}(x_{t+1}|x_t) = \mathcal{N}(a x_t, q^2)
# ```
# ```math
# y_t \sim g_{\theta}(y_t|x_t) = \mathcal{N}(0, \exp(\frac{1}{2}x_t)^2)
# ```
# with the initial distribution $f_0(x) = \mathcal{N}(0, q^2)$.
Parameters = @NamedTuple begin

Expand All @@ -21,22 +38,20 @@ mutable struct NonLinearTimeSeries <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel
NonLinearTimeSeries::Parameters) = new(TArray(Float64, θ.T), θ)

f(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(model.θ.a * state, model.θ.q) # Transition density
g(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(state, model.θ.r) # Observation density
f₀(model::NonLinearTimeSeries) = Normal(0, model.θ.q) # Initial state density
f(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(model.θ.a * state, model.θ.q)
g(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(0, exp(0.5 * state)^2)
f₀(model::NonLinearTimeSeries) = Normal(0, model.θ.q)
#md nothing #hide

# Everything is now ready to simulate some data.

a = 0.9 # Scale
q = 0.32 # State variance
r = 1 # Observation variance
Tₘ = 300 # Number of observation
Nₚ = 20 # Number of particles
Nₛ = 500 # Number of samples
seed = 9 # Reproduce everything

θ₀ = Parameters((a, q, r, Tₘ))
# Let's simulate some data
a = 0.9 # State Variance
q = 0.5 # Observation variance
Tₘ = 200 # Number of observation
Nₚ = 20 # Number of particles
Nₛ = 500 # Number of samples
seed = 1 # Reproduce everything

θ₀ = Parameters((a, q, Tₘ))
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(seed)

x = zeros(Tₘ)
Expand All @@ -51,6 +66,15 @@ for t in 1:Tₘ
y[t] = rand(rng, g(reference, x[t], t))

# Here are the latent and observation series:
plot(x; label="x")

plot(y; label="y")

# Each model takes an `AbstractRNG` as input and generates the logpdf of the current transition:
function (model::NonLinearTimeSeries)(rng::Random.AbstractRNG)
x₀ = rand(rng, f₀(model))
model.X[1] = x₀
Expand All @@ -65,14 +89,18 @@ function (model::NonLinearTimeSeries)(rng::Random.AbstractRNG)

# `AdvancedPS` relies on `Libtask` to copy models during their execution but we need to make sure the
# internal data of each model is properly copied over as well.
Libtask.tape_copy(model::NonLinearTimeSeries) = deepcopy(model)

Random.seed!(rng, seed)
# Here we use the particle gibbs kernel without adaptive resampling.
model = NonLinearTimeSeries(θ₀)
pgas = AdvancedPS.PG(Nₚ)
chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ; progress=false)
pgas = AdvancedPS.PG(Nₚ, 1.0)
chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ; progress=false);
#md nothing #hide

# Utility to replay a particle trajectory
# The trajectories are not stored during the sampling and we need to regenerate the history of each
# sample if we want to look at the individual traces.
function replay(particle::AdvancedPS.Particle)
trng = deepcopy(particle.rng)
Random123.set_counter!(trng.rng, 0)
Expand All @@ -92,14 +120,24 @@ end

particles = hcat([trajectory.model.f.X for trajectory in trajectories]...) # Concat all sampled states
mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2)
#md nothing #hide

# We can now plot all the generated traces.
# Beyond the last few timesteps all the trajectories collapse into one. Using the ancestor updating step can help
# with the degeneracy problem.
scatter(particles; label=false, opacity=0.01, color=:black)
plot!(x; color=:red, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:orange, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)
plot!(x; color=:darkorange, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:dodgerblue, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)

# We can also check the mixing as defined in the Gaussian State Space model example. As seen on the
# scatter plot above, we are mostly left with a single trajectory before timestep 150. The orange
# bar is the optimal mixing rate for the number of particles we use.
update_rate = sum(abs.(diff(particles; dims=2)) .> 0; dims=2) / Nₛ
#md nothing #hide

plot(update_rate; label=false, ylim=[0, 1], legend=:bottomleft)
hline!([1 - 1 / Nₚ]; label="N: $(Nₚ)")
Expand Down

2 comments on commit 0bb8fde

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@yebai yebai commented on 0bb8fde Jun 19, 2022

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