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Docker Images to build full cabot environment.

Still Not Ready for Production


As Cabot contains several things inside (django, celery, redis, database, etc) and docker using assumes one image for one thing we need several images for Cabot.

I use maestro-ng to manage Docker containers.

Let's try

  • Install maestro-ng on host from which you want to manage dockers images (commonly it's your localhost).
  • Install and configure Docker on host where Docker containers will run (commonly it's ec2/Digital Ocean instances, virtual box/vmware vm's, etc).
  • Update maestro.yml according to your environment
  • Run python -m maestro -f maestro.yml start

Command python -m maestro -f maestro.yml status -F should return something like:

  #  INSTANCE             SERVICE         SHIP                 CONTAINER       STATUS
  1. postgre_1            postgresql      vm1                  517ef1e         up
     >>  5432/tcp:db
  2. redis_1              redis           vm1                  a5e10da         up
     >>  6379/tcp:broker
  3. cabot_web_1          cabot_web       vm1                  63b9078         up
     >>  8000/tcp:web
     >>  5000/tcp:backend

Cabot web UI should be available at http://_host_with_docker_:8000/. Default username/password: docker/docker. You can add new users using Django admin interface.

Docker configuration

By default maestro expected running Docker daemon in 4243 port, so you need to configure it:

  • Add DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp://" to /etc/default/docker
  • Restart docker daemon: restart docker

Maestro configuration

At first make sure that you are have read maestro-ng docs.

To just run Cabot you need:

  • Change vm1: {ip: localhost} in maestro.yml to host with docker (ip/hostname).

But to complete the work you also need to rewrite default environment variables(eg GRAPHITE_USER/GRAPHITE_PASS, SES_HOST/SES_USER/SES_PASS and so on).

By default cabot image pulled from Docker Index, but you still can build image manual and say maestro use it, just change image: shoonoise/cabot-docker in cabot web section to your image's name. The same way to change all other images (postgresql, redis, etc).


Docker Images to build full cabot environment






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