This project won 2nd place in the Best Use of Intel Developer Cloud track, winning each member $1,000 worth of Intel Developer Cloud credits.
Welcome to Easy Deep Learning, where simplicity meets powerful image classification. Our platform allows individuals of any skill level to fine-tune various image classification models effortlessly; no coding required :). Simply upload the photos you want to fine-tune a model on and allow us to expand the training set by over double. Utilizing a refined version of Stable Diffusion, we generate images similar to those that were uploaded and perform a number of transformations. Next, pick from a selection of classification models, helping you to select the best model for your situation. Once trained, effortlessly deploy and test your model.
Easy Deep Learning excels in scenarios where users lack extensive deep learning expertise and access to substantial training datasets. For instance, in disaster response situations, where first responders may not possess technical proficiency and resources are limited, our platform and a few pictures from a drone can help to create an algorithm that can accurately spot areas that need help.
- Stable Diffusion
- VGG-16
- Google Vision Transformer
- Intel Developer Cloud
- Firebase
- Flask
- Next.js
- Ankit Agrawal
- Bryce Pardo
- Pranav Devarinti
- Trent Conley
We would like to acknowledge blue donkey for their amazing coffee, Intel for allowing us to try their new developer cloud platform, and dsgt for this great experience.