🚧 This app is not under active development. If you like the idea, we can develop it further, but we need some active users to do so. You can write an issue to vote
App that tracks your overtime - free app for toggl.com
Quick Demo:
- One token setup!
- Money/time display type
- Automatic updates
- Works with multiple workspaces
- Change how much hours you work per day
- Windows OS w/ .NET 4.6.1
- Free Toggl Acccount toggl.com
Copy the zip into some documents folder.
When you run it for the first time there will be a api key prompt.
You will find the api key in toggl.com. Go to the toggl Profile Options
Just write an issue which will reliably show the problem that you faced. If that will be understood and approved you can be sure, that we will take a look :)
Icons made by:
- Frepik from flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Smashicons from Flaticon is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0