This software is used for identifying allele genes from polyploid genome.
cd /path/to/install
git clone
chmod +x AlleleFinder/bin/AlleleFinder
# Optional
echo 'export PATH=/path/to/install/AlleleFinder/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
usage: AlleleFinder [-h] -r REF -d REF_CDS -f REF_GFF3 -c CDS -g GFF3 -n NUM_ALLELE [-m] [-b BLAST_COUNT] [-i BLAST_IDENTITY] [-e TE] [-j TE_OVERLAP] [-w WORKDIR] [-t THREADS]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REF, --ref REF reference fasta
-d REF_CDS, --ref_cds REF_CDS
CDS fasta of ref
-f REF_GFF3, --ref_gff3 REF_GFF3
GFF3 file of ref
-c CDS, --cds CDS CDS fasta of polyploid
-g GFF3, --gff3 GFF3 GFF3 file of polyploid
-n NUM_ALLELE, --num_allele NUM_ALLELE
number of allele
-m, --is_mono If your reference fasta is mono assembly of polyploid, add this argument
-b BLAST_COUNT, --blast_count BLAST_COUNT
blast count, default: 2
threshold of blast identity, default: 80
-e TE, --TE TE TE gff3 for filtering, default: ""
threshold of TE overlap, default: 0.3, only effect when TE is not NULL
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
workdir, default: wrkdir
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
threads, default: 12
Notice: the name of Chromosomes should be like: Chr01X, "X" means consecutive uppercase letters from A to Z, means different alleles, for example, if there are 4 alleles, the names should be: Chr01A,Chr01B,Chr01C,Chr01D
Notice: there must no '-' in gene id
- Without TE filter
allele.adjusted.txt is the file contain all allele genes
allele.adjusted.*.stat are the statistics information of allele
- With TE filter
allele.adjusted.nonTEs.txt is the file contain all allele genes
allele.adjusted.nonTEs.*.stat are the statistics information of allele
If there are too many genes be marked with paralog, you can use to pull them down as new alleles -i <origin_allele_table> -m <min_num> -o <new_allele_table>
-m, --min_num means if the count of genes which are marked as paralog genes distribute in different alleles greater than this parameter, these paralog genes should be allele genes, and they will be pulled down as new alleles.
Notice because we only pull down the first paralog genes from each allele to contruct new allele, that means if there are more than one paralog genes in different alleles, you may need run this script more than one time to pull all paralog genes which with the distribution mentioned before down as new alleles.