S2TLD is our newly released traffic light dataset, which contains 5,786 images of approximately 1,080 * 1,920 pixels and 720 * 1,280 pixels. It also contains 5 categories (include red, yellow, green, off and wait on) of 1,4130 instances. The scenes cover a decent variety of road scenes and typical:
- Busy street scenes inner-city,
- Dense stop-and-go traffic
- Strong changes in illumination/exposure
- Flickering/Fluctuating traffic lights
- Multiple visible traffic lights
- Image parts that can be confused with traffic lights (e.g. large round tail lights)
S2TLD (1,080 * 1,920)
S2TLD (720 * 1,280)
title={Scrdet++: Detecting small, cluttered and rotated objects via instance-level feature denoising and rotation loss smoothing},
author={Yang, Xue and Yan, Junchi and Liao, Wenlong and Yang, Xiaokang and Tang, Jin and He, Tao},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},