Tracker for Ape Escape, for use with AP
Tracker version 0.3.0
Installation instructions:
- Download Poptracker
- Place in packs folder
- Run Poptracker
Upcoming Plans:
- Better maps
- Better descriptors for monkey locations
Calculate Coins and Monkeys per Level in the grid
See for full changes
Version 0.3.0
Autotracking -:
- Autotracking of Mailboxes
- Added autotracking of new settings
Layout -:
- Updated layout to include Specter 1 and Specter 2
- Added Options : Mailboxes, SuperFlyer
- Layout adjustement to make rooms for more options (We are starting to have MANY options)
- Updated Map scaling to make it better
Items/Locations -:
- Added Mailboxes as locations
- Revised ALL locations/item logic since it had been reworked in the apworld
- Added CCA boss and TVT Boss in the tracking for their respective locations
- Verified/updated locations rules based on Net and WaterNet logic
- Added Peak Point Matrix as a map location
- Fixed Wabi Sabi Wall/Barrel Room Coin not being tracked properly
- Fixed Specter's Factory Lava Room Coin not being tracked properly
Version 0.2.2
Autotracking -:
- Implemented AddOnLocationSectionChangedHandler to track per level Monkeys/Coins and global Totals
- Autotracking with slot_data now works
Layout -:
- New layout : Map Tracker (Alternative) -> A more vertical layout than the original one
- Added Total Coins/Monkey into all layouts
Items/Locations -:
- Made Coins and Monkeys item type "non-interractive" in the Layout (Map locations still updates them)
- Changed World Keys initial quantity to 0
- Fixed Wrong total coin count for "coin_tot" and some levels in the grid
- Fixed some items/locations images in various levels
- Fixed Wabi Sabi Wall and Crumbling Castle "code" not matching the Items in the grid properly
- Fixed some monkeys access rules for Desxter's Island
- Fixed Stadium Attack and Gladiator Attack access rules
Version 0.2.1
Autotracking -:
- Corrected Item ID's for tracking
- Enabled Autotracking for Items,Locations and Coins
- Corrected Monkey names and location names to match map location for tracking
- Changed the calculation of worldUnlocks to better match AP pack: (Thanks for the initial code StripesOO7)
- Added Stadium Attack and Gladiator Attack for coin tracking
Map -:
- Changed coin names for their respective name in Archipelago-Ape-Escape pack ""(ex.:Fossil Fields "Specter Coin" is now "Main")
- Moved monkey_madness.json from dim_x folder to the specter_land folder to better fit the map
- Corrected location name for NewFreezeLand in map
Fixes -:
- Included code in archipelago.lua to put the Time Net Active by default.This is done as a placeholder since Net is not randomised in the pool yet
- Changed items.json to remove "allow_disabled": false :
Dev version 0.0.2D (0.2.0)
Features/Bug fixes -:
- Added settings
- Made Specter Coins viewable
- Changed how world keys work. Now a Consumable that toggles specific level keys