January 2019 Game Jam
Welcome to our project repo! Follow here to learn more.
In order to contribute to this gamejam, you will need the following:
- Unity Version 2018.3
- Visual Studio Community Edition (Installed with Unity)
- A Git client
- A Github account
During the course of the project, it might be nice to have these applications:
- Photoshop
- Frooty Loops
- Fork This repo Click the Fork button at the top of the main repo page
- Navigate to your forked github repo and clone your fork of the repo. (If you have the Github git client installed, you can click on the "Clone or download" button, and then on "Open in Desktop"
- Navigate to the Unity download page and download
Unity Hub
- Install it and log into your Unity account.
- Select "Unity Personal" as the license
- Click on the "Official Releases" button and download Unity 2018.3.0f2 (or the latest version of 2018.3)
- Make sure you install Visual Studio Community with your Unity install. (If Visual Studio Community fails to install, you can install it manually from here. It is required)
Assuming you have set up your repo and Unity correctly, you should now be able to open the GameJam subfolder inside Unity.
When there are changes made to the master repo, you will need to pull those changes into your personal repo. You can do this by adding a new remote to your local repo, or by opening a pull request to your github repo and pulling down the changes.
In order to contribute, you will need to commit any changes you make to your github repo, and open a pull request to the main repo.
You can learn more about pushing your changes to your github repo here.
You can learn more about making a pull request here.
If you have any questions about Git or Github, please ask Khadaj.
All pull requests to the main repo must be reviewed by another member of the team before the change is merged into the master repo.
- Khadaj (Development, Management)
- Forevermoore (Music)
- Kazze (Development)
- Kirk (Development)
- MusicMeister (Music, Development)
- Trevor (Art)
- DarkKnightKD (Design)
- Jaron (Level Design, Art)
- Darksuvius ()