This project presents an exploratory analysis of the data on gun deaths in the US over a five year period (2012-2013), using R-Markdown. The data were obtained from the CDC and parsed using and R script obtained through's project on the same issue. The files included in this repo are as follows.
-> This fileGun_deaths_in_the_US.html
-> an HTML report of the analysis generated through r-markdown that shows several visualizations and highlights some findings trhough themGun_deaths_in_the_US.rmd
-> an R-Markdown document that contains the code to actually carry out the analysisfiveThirtyEight_script_for_CDC_Mortality_Data.R
-> an R script obtained through fiveTiretyEight to download, clean and parse data from the CDC's Multiple Cause of Death datafilefull_data.csv
-> cleaned gun-death data from the CDC for 2012-2016