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Data Sets
Zuozhi Wang edited this page Apr 5, 2017
13 revisions
Authors: Chen Li
- Uploader: Zuozhi Wang and Chen Li
- Data size: 100K docs - 47MB (zipped), 1M docs - 531MB (zipped)
- Number of records: 100K docs, 1M docs
- Download URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0Bxp0qxtbSGxYd0s3NXZPQTJtUkE
- Sample records.
Each line is one separate record in JSON format. A sample record is as following:
"affiliation":"Surgeon, U. S. A.",
"article_title":"ON THE APPEARANCE ......",
"authors":"W Reed",
"journal_issue":"2-5 Sep 1, 1897",
"journal_title":"The Journal of experimental medicine",
"abstract":"1. The claim of L. Pfeiffer that ........",
- Uploader: Zuozhi Wang and Jianfeng Jia
- Data size: 10K tweets: 4MB (zipped), 30MB (unzipped), 200K tweets: 100MB (zipped), 700MB (unzipped)
- Number of records: 10K tweets, 200K tweets
- Download URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxp0qxtbSGxYVWlENVVOTzA3QUE?usp=sharing
- Sample records:
Each line is one tweet and its information in JSON format. A sample record is as following:
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- Uploader: Qinhua Huang
- Data size: 150KB
- Num of records: N/A
- Download URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-xzsxV4BxGeQTdNQkRRek4xQ00?usp=sharing
- Sample records: Records are not strictly structured. Each record roughly contains 5 sections: project title, project source, project period, project leaders, project description. A sample record is as following: