I'm a developer at Microsoft with a passion for sharing, development, good engineering fundamentals, machine learning, good documentation and last but not least debugging (memory dump style). I also love anything related to algorithms, programming puzzles, language theory and automata <3.
- Presentations: I present, mostly on development, debugging and machine learning - check out my slides and videos here https://www.tessferrandez.com/presentations/
- .NET Memory Dump Debugging: I blog about debugging and other topics at https://www.tessferrandez.com, but you should also try my .NET debugging labs
- Engineering fundamentals: Me and my colleagues share our ways of working in the CSE Engineering Playbook.
- Machine Learning: We have created Presidio to help you analyze or anonymize your PII for Machine Learning tasks.
- Trusted Research Environments: A project for setting up Trusted Research Environments in Azure - AzureTRE
- Data OPS: We also share samples and info around Data OPS with Azure from our projects in the Modern Data Warehouse repo
- Algorithms and Puzzles: Privately I dabble in competitive programming and love programming puzzles, if you're also a fan, check out my repos for solutions to Advent of Code and general Algorithm puzzler solutions
I also love drawing - here are some sketch notes I created on Deep Learning