A mix of scripts I've made, or at least put together
Create-FireWallRule.ps1 - Create Firewall rules, even in WinPE
test-port.ps1 - Test connection to hostname on specific port, in WinPE
UserSid-Coverter.ps1 - Converts SID/Username back and forwards.
Get-CredentialGuardStatus.ps1 - CredentialGuard configuration and service status.
Get-InstalledUpdates.ps1 - Installed updates by searching history.
Get-RegistryKeyLastWriteTime.ps1 - Get LastWriteTime of registry key
Keycheck - Tool that checks the embedded product key in bios. Works on Win7x86, Winpe (with .net 4) and ofc win10x64. Used to determine if the key is for core(Home) or Pro. Great when deploying both EDU and ENT windows versions. Must have a wrapper if running in a TS. Will give an exit code of 600 if pro and 601 if home.