- SpeechKit:
- by IOS native libray(AVFoundation & Speech)
- Text to Speech
- Speech to Text
- WebSocket:
- Dis/Connect WebSocket
- Transmission JSON Data(Swift Client) <-> Binary(node.js Server), String(Swift Client) <-> String(node.js Srever)
- Import MOS Dictionary: https://gist.github.com/mosluce/4b41cd7f601943558be0800230aa17d1#file-da-swift-L41
- Example Server
- UserDefault:
- Insert/Update/Delete NSUserDefaults
- Show all NSUserDefaults Data
- GCD:
qos(優先權限): UserInterActive > UserInitiated > Default > Utility > Background > Unspecified
let queueDefault = DispatchQueue(label: "queue.Default", qos: .default) queueDefault.async{ //Do Something }
- CustomExtension:
UIColor.init(rgb: 0x6a60ee).cgColor