This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 9, 2023. It is now read-only.
Synapse 2.10.0
released this
12 Apr 17:32
54 commits
to development
since this release
+ CustomObjects CustomAttribute System
+ MapTeleporter
+ StaticTeleporter
+ SchematicDoor
+ IRefreshable for SynapseObjects
+ NetworkSynapseObject
+ StructureSyncSynapseObject
+ SynapseCustomObject
+ SynapseDoorObject.SpawnableDoorType
+ SynapseDummyObject
+ SynapseGeneratorObject
+ SynapseItemObject now also supports Durabillity and Attachments
+ SynapseLockerObject
+ SynapseragdollObject
+ New Enums
+ MenuType
+ MessageType
+ ShootSound
+ WarheadInsidePanelInteractEvent
+ WarheadStartDetonationEvent
+ PlayerWalkOnTantrumEvent
+ PlayerRadioInteractEvent
+ PlayerFlipCoinEvent
+ PlaceBulletHoleEvent
+ Scp049Events
+ Scp049ReviveEvent
+ Scp173PlaceTantrum
+ ItemManager.GetSchematic
+ ItemManager.SetSchematicForVanillaItem
+ SynapseItem.GetSynapseItem
+ SynapseItem.Schematic
+ SynapseItem.SynapseObject
+ LockerChamber.SpawnItem
+ Reworked Logger => Can now also stores Logs in a file
+ Map.SpawnOldGrenade
+ Map.SpawnTantrum
+ Player.OpenMenu
+ Player.GetStatBase
+ implicit operators for player/Referencehub/Footprint
+ added plugin contextprocessor for SynapseObject Attributes
+ Rooms of 106,939,330 can now be changed in size rotation and position
+ Turret
+ SynapseExtensions.GetSpawnMessage
+ SynapseExtensions.DespawnForOnePlayer
+ SynapseExtensions.DespawnForAllPlayers
* fixed FF between CUstom Roles
* fixed PlayerSetClass Event Items Property
* workstation vanilla object is now public in Synapse Workstation
* fixed HealEvent
* fixed Player.Heal
* fixed Player.ChangeRoleAtPosition
* fixed ThrowableAPI.FuseTime
* fixed ItemManager.HighestItem
* fixed Effect Enum
* SynapseObject.CustomAttributes is now a list
* fixed SynapseObject.ObjectData
* Renamed KeyPressInjector & SynapseInjector
* fixed SynapseInjector publicize event fields
- Nuke.LeverStatus
- SYML Debug Message
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
The KeyPressInjector.exe
is a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click