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Swaggy-Swagger is a library designed to enhance the functionality and user experience of the popular API documentation tool, Swagger.
This project addresses common pain points faced by developers,
improving the Swagger UI and adding new features to make API documentation more intuitive and effective.
- A new sidebar allows for quick navigation to specific API sections, improving accessibility and ease of use.
- The default vertical layout has been changed to a horizontal format, enabling easier viewing of parameters and responses, and reducing the need for scrolling.
Server-Side Change Management: Every server restart triggers the storage of Swagger snapshots in JSON format. These snapshots are versioned, and changes are logged.
Client-Side Change Indicators: APIs with recent changes are marked with a red dot. Hovering over the API reveals information about the changes (e.g. endpoints, parameters, request/response schemas)
After checking changes, the red dot disappears (it reappears upon refreshing)
- User-Defined Sorting: Swaggy-Swagger allows APIs to be sorted based on the line numbers in the code. This custom sorting improves readability and reflects the developer’s intent.
- You can find detailed information on requirements and installation in the Repository of Spring Boot Library
We always welcome your contributions!
If you would like to contribute to the frontend (UI), you can see swaggy-ui for more details.
Else, if you want to contribute to the backend (server-side), please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our project.
Swaggy-Swagger is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See the LICENSE file for more details.