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It is a full-stack website to organize, track, and complete tasks efficiently to achieve specific goals. It allows users to add, create, update, and delete tasks and helps users mark certain tasks as important or completed. Additionally, it provides a user-friendly interface to manage tasks easily and ensures better productivity through effective task organization.

STEPS- • Created a react app frontend.

• Added components like cards,inputData and sidebar.

• Made different pages for various purposes like all tasks,completedTasks,important task,login , signup,incompleted task,important tasks.

• created auth.js for authentication

• User Authentication: Signup and login functionalities implemented using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and password encryption with bcrypt for security.

SIGNUP- image_url LOGIN- image_url Task Management:

To create, update, and delete tasks. CREATE- image_url UPDATE- image_url

• created auth.js for authentication

• User Authentication: Signup and login functionalities implemented using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and password encryption with bcrypt for security.

• State Management: Utilized Redux Toolkit for efficient state management across the application.

• Responsive Design: Built with a responsive UI for seamless usage across different devices.

• Real-time Updates: Live task updates without page refreshes.



React: For building the user interface.

Redux Toolkit: For state management.

Used CSS and imported react icons for designing.


Node.js & Express.js: For creating the server and RESTful APIs.

Nodemon: used for automatic server restarts during development.


MongoDB (Cloud): Used as the primary database for storing user data and tasks.