This repository is no longer actively maintained. caa 10 Sep 2023, CherGPT is now in maintenance mode. Please see CherGPT Basic instead
Main developer (Web): Joe Tay
Main developer (Telegram) and Web Starter Kit: Kahhow
Documentation previously maintained by Kahhow and Adrian
Support and access previously managed by Lance*
In your terminal, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please approach the String Team for secrets.toml credentials to be defined under .streamlit folder
Thereafter, in your terminal, run:
streamlit run main.py
- MongoDB account**
- Retrieve your own OpenAPI key
- Deploy this app to streamlit.
** If you would like to view chatlogs (basically a backend/ some sort of datastore). The basic chatbot setup without backend is simpler. More will be explained in the documentation (Work-in-progress)
You can develop your own function and call the function in the main(), you need to modify the default tab list in secrets.toml to add in a new function
Secrets.toml is part of your Streamlit deployment and is the equivalent of .env file
Note: Please refer to upcoming documentation on what to include in Secrets.toml. Should be just OpenAI API Key and also MongoDB URI (to be confirmed)
db_host = "insert your own MongoDB URI"
OPENAI_API_KEY = "insert your own"