Note: The Stackdriver Public REST APIs are currently in Alpha testing. They may change often. You can read the current REST API docs at
The Stackdriver API Client Library is a thin wrapper for accessing Stackdriver's public REST API
Instantiate an api instance
from stackdriver import StackApi
api = StackApi(apikey='yourapikey')
# grab a list of users
print api.Users.LIST()
# grab a single user
print api.Users.GET(id=2)
# grab a list of groups
print api.Groups.LIST()
# grab a single group
print api.Groups.GET(id=67)
# create a new group
group = api.Groups({
'conjunction': 'And',
'name': 'Production Webservers',
'parent_id': None,
'cluster': False,
'conditions': [
'type': 'name',
'comparison': 'starts_with',
'value': 'web'
'type': 'tag',
'comparison': 'equals',
'name': 'environment', # this assumes an environment tag on all production machines
'value': 'production'
# delete the group
print group.deleted_epoch
# query a resource name to resolve to a unique id
# if the name exists for multiple resources (such as across availability
# zones and different resource types) return them all
# since resolve takes a json query object we use post instead of get to
# avoid URL length limits - in REST terms you are creating an adhoc query
# which then gets executed on the server
resources = api.Resolve.POST({
'name': 'web-1'
print resources
Maintenance Mode
# list all resources in maintenance mode
resources_in_maint_mode = api.Alerting.Maintenance.Resources.GET()
# the list only contains id's and resource pointers
# rehydrate the resources
for resource in resources_in_maint_mode:
print resource.GET()
Handling Server Errors
from requests import HTTPError
resources = api.Resolve.POST({
'misspelled_key': 'web-1'
except HTTPError as e:
# this should return:
# { 'code': 400,
# 'success': False
# 'error': u'Field validation error',
# 'errors': {
# 'name': "Field 'name' is required"
# }
# }
print e.response.json()