新增功能 TAB键打开关闭功能面板
P键获取截图,强烈建议 在浏览器设置中关闭(下载前询问),并设置好合理的下载路径
按住左键 才能用WASD和鼠标控制移动
高亮状态下, 0234568键可切换装甲板贴纸
高亮状态下, C键切换红蓝灯
💞 看到这了给颗星吧 ⭐
color 0: 蓝, 1 红
tag 0:R,1:未激活,2:已激活
color 0: 蓝, 1:红, 2:灰, 3:紫
tag 0:哨兵,1:英雄,2:工程,3:步兵3,4:步兵4,5:步兵5,6:前哨站,7、8:大小基地装甲板
You can refer to convert tool if you want to convert dataset from my project to Yolo-face format.
already yoloface format
·Hold the left button of mouse and
·Press the WASD keys and cooperate with the mouse
·Press the R keys to turn on or off the rotation of Energy Mechanism
·Press the T keys to randomly set the state of the fan blades of Energy Mechanism (OFF,UNACTIVATED,ACTIVATED)
·Press the F keys to create a new armor plate on your current position
·Move the center of the screen to the armor plate, and that the armor can be controled(with green outline)
Press the 0,2,3,4,5,6,8 keys to set the tag of the armor controled(with green outline)
Press the C keys to switch the light color of the armor controled(with green outline) red or blue
Hold on pressing right mouse button, you can grab the armor with you
·Press the P keys to get a screenshot and it will be labeled automatically
(Tips: Turn off "Asking before downloading" in your browser settings and set the default download path so that You don't need to manually confirm the download every time you photo)
You will get 4 files, one is .jpg which is raw picture, two are .json and .txt which includes label information (2 format), one is .png which visualizes the label information to check if there's something wrong.
explanation of label information:
0: blue R, 1: blue Unactivated, 2: blue Activated, 3: red R, 4: red Unactivated, 5: red Activated .
final label = color*9+tag
with color, 0: blue, 1: red, 2: grey, 3: purple
with tag, 0: sentry, 1: hero, 2: engineer, 3: infantry3, 4: infantry4, 5: infantry5, 6: outpost, 7: base(small), 8: base(big)