Plugin for embedding SpinGo calendars and widgets on your Wordpress blog
Clone or download the repository
Copy the spingo folder into your wordpress plugins folder
Login to your Wordpress admin area and activate the SpinGo plugin.
Go to the Settings -> SpinGo page and enter your calendar's subdomain and auth token.
Note: You must have a current SpinGo calendar to use the plugin. You can learn more and signup for a calendar by going to
To add your calendar, create or edit a page or post and click on the Add Calendar button at the top of the page and position the calendar where you want it.
To further customize your calendar, click on the calendar container and then click on the edit icon. The available options are documented at the following link:
For most themes, the calendar will embed best if the page or post is set to use a full width layout.
The SpinGo List Widget is available as a Wordpress widget. To add a widget, go to the Appearance -> Widgets page and drag the SpinGo List Widget Box to the area where you'd like it to appear. The widget can be customized by clicking on the SpinGo List Widget box and completing the form. The available options are documented at the following link:
Depending on the space available for the widget, you may need to change the Date Label Width and Base Font Size options to make is display correctly.