is a programmable terminal integration for OpenAI and Anthropic
models, with support for adding custom examples and tools.
To install from the latest release, run:
curl https://install.llmshell.com/bash | bash
This will install from llmshell.tar.gz
and add to your system PATH.
Use ~/llmshell/uninstall.sh
to uninstall and remove from your system PATH.
Once you've installed the program, you can use it by running llmshell
First, install ai
and zod
into your llmshell config directory:
cd ~/llmshell && bun i ai zod
You can then define your custom tools:
// ~/llmshell/tools.ts
import { tool, type CoreTool } from "ai"
import { z } from "zod"
export default {
sayHello: tool({
description: "Say hello to the user.",
parameters: z.object({
name: z.string().describe("The name of the user to greet.")
execute: async ({ name }) => {
return `Hello, ${name}!`
} satisfies Record<string, CoreTool>
Custom examples are loaded from ~/llmshell/examples/*.jsonl
If you buy a license at llmshell.com, you will receive the source code under a source available license, which does not allow redistribution or copying. This project will be released under MIT License in the future.