Autosplits for LiveSplit
for Kega Fusion and RetroArch (Genesis Plus GX Core) - Untested Sega Genesis Classics support
RAM locations provided by the Sonic Retro wiki.
Uses as a base, but uses "dumb logic": the timer is only interested in increasing seconds and doesn't care what the actual timer is. If the game's timer increases by a second, so does the autosplit timer - any other modification to the timer is ignored. This bypasses issues handling deaths, checkpoint respawns and a game over/continue state.
Final Split is after the screen completely fades to white.
Auto-starts when GHZ1 loads while not playing a demo.
Auto-resets on running out of lives and continues.
Splits when the next act loads.
Expects a split for every Act.
For Kega Fusion and RetroArch (Genesis Plus GX Core) - Untested Sega Genesis Classics support
RAM locations provided by the Sonic Retro wiki.
Expansion from the Sonic 2 Autosplit, however as this game uses Real Time - Time Bonus, the timer logic was changed.
Runs Game Time as Real Time, except it pauses during score countdown. Detected by time bonus and/or ring bonus values decreasing, pauses the timer for every frame that they decrease.
Level order is hard-coded, and the next split will not occur until the timer "sees" the next expected level. This means that resetting to skip cutscenes/game overs etc do not break, but also means that if there's a game over on act 2 of a zone, completion of act 1 will NOT split again - the script will already be waiting on act 2 to be completed.
The default option is to have splits Per-Zone only, but there is an option to split per-act. Due to the way S3&K runs can be exploited, per act is not favourable either - options to ignore splitting on act 1 of Marble Garden, Ice Cap and Launch Base have been added so these zones would only split once when otherwise splitting every act.
Supports all characters, but only S3&K at this time, no support for S3 or S&K only.
Splits on level load, final split is after the screen completely fades to white.
Important Auto-Resets on "Hard Reset" pressed - expects resets for cutscene skips to be a soft reset. Disable auto-reset if this is undesired - the previous behaviour that reset the internal state of the autosplitter now does not trigger in this condition to allow for this.
Auto-starts on AIZ1 loaded and game started flag set.
For Sonic CD 2011 (Steam)
Some memory values provided by a cheat table made by CodeNameGamma.
Uses the same "dumb logic" as Sonic 2 - we only care about the timer increasing each second.
Adds the milliseconds to the Game Time on the final level.
Splits on detecting time bonus hit 0 after it was previously set.
Final split is on the final hit on the last boss.
Expects a split for every act. (Standard terminology, so 3 acts per zone)
Known Bug: will split on completing a Special Stage, however as the special stages are not part of any known run I feel this is a non-issue.
Currently no auto-start or auto-reset as previous implementation attempts were undesirable.
(Timer may be getting reset on main menu, needs testing)
for Kega Fusion and RetroArch (Genesis Plus GX Core) - Untested Sega Genesis Classics support
RAM locations provided by the Sonic Retro wiki.
Uses as a base, but uses "dumb logic": the timer is only interested in increasing seconds and doesn't care what the actual timer is. If the game's timer increases by a second, so does the autosplit timer - any other modification to the timer is ignored. This bypasses issues handling deaths, checkpoint respawns and a game over/continue state. Special case at the start of Final Zone handled - as SBZ3 doesn't end in a goalpost, the timer isn't paused between it and Final Zone, only the timer is reset when the HUD appears. A 3 second pause of the timer happens to keep sync.
Final Split is when the ending cutscene loads.
Auto-starts when GHZ1 loads while not playing a demo.
Auto-resets on running out of lives and continues.
Splits when the next act loads.
Expects a split for every Act.