Feel free to submit a pull request with your own contributions!
- AngleBetween.lua
- GammaColorTransition.lua
- LinearInterpolation.lua
- Map.lua
- ModelCFramer.lua
- RoundNumbers.lua
-- Find angle between two vectors:
local function AngleBetween(vectorA: Vector3, vectorB: Vector3): number
return math.atan2(vectorA:Cross(vectorB).Magnitude, vectorA:Dot(vectorB))
-- Allows for linear interpolation between two colors using a specified Gamma value.
-- Utility function to apply a power to Color3
local function PowColor3(color: Color3, pow: number): Color3
return Color3.new(math.pow(color.R, pow), math.pow(color.G, pow), math.pow(color.B, pow))
-- Interpolate between 'ColorA' and 'ColorB' by 'Frac' percentage with an optional 'Gamma' value.
-- Typical gamma values range from 1.8 to 2.2. The default value is 2.0.
local function LerpColor(colorA: Color3, colorB: Color3, frac: number, gamma: number): Color3
gamma = gamma or 2.0
local ca = PowColor3(colorA, gamma)
local cb = PowColor3(colorB, gamma)
return PowColor3(ca:Lerp(cb, frac), 1 / gamma)
-- Linear Interpolation (AKA Lerp)
-- Interpolate between 'a' and 'b' by 'x' percentage
local function Lerp(a: number, b: number, x: number)
return a + ((b - a) * x)
-- Remap 'n' from the old range (oldMin, oldMax) to the new range (min, max)
local function Map(n: number, oldMin: number, oldMax: number, min: number, max: number): number
return (min + ((max - min) * ((n - oldMin) / (oldMax - oldMin))))
-- SetPrimaryPartCFrame but avoids float errors via caching
-- ExampleSetterFunction = ModelCFramer(workspace.Model)
-- ExampleSetterFunction(CFrame.new(0, 5, 0))
local function ModelCFramer(model: Model): (cframe: CFrame) -> nil
local primary = model.PrimaryPart
local primaryCf = primary.CFrame
local cache = {}
for _,child in ipairs(model:GetDescendants()) do
if (child:IsA("BasePart") and child ~= primary) then
cache[child] = primaryCf:ToObjectSpace(child.CFrame)
return function(desiredCf: CFrame)
primary.CFrame = desiredCf
for part,offset in pairs(cache) do
part.CFrame = desiredCf * offset
-- Round 'x' to the nearest 'mult'
local function Round(x: number, mult: number): number
return math.round(x / mult) * mult