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GibMe Configuration

Kitten edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

Attempt Cooldown

  • Determines the time in seconds between each attempt to give the player an item from the configurable list
  • This config requires a minimum value of 1

Chance to Gib

  • Determines the chance for an item to be given to the player upon each attempt.
  • A higher value increases the chance.
  • This config requires a minimum value of 0
  • If the config value is set to 0, no items will be given to the player

Gib Me These

  • This is the list of items used when the player is given an item
  • The entry syntax is modid:name:metadata@amount
  • Both metadata and amount are optional. For example, the following are all valid entries:
    • minecraft:wool:14@64
    • minecraft:stone:0
    • minecraft:diamond@8
    • minecraft:log
  • If no metadata is defined, it will default to 0. If no amount is defined, it will default to 1.

Replace Give Command Message

  • This intercepts vanilla's give command message and replaces it with a custom gib message.
  • For example, Given [Diamond] * 8 to Player42 would become Player42 ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ [Diamond] * 8
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