Iron Pulse Fitness is an implementation of a gym membership system that will be developed as a web application. The components of Iron Pulse Fitness consist of customers, courses, and admins. Customers have the ability to book a course, where each course has multiple schedules throughout the day. Each schedule is led by a different personal trainer. The personal trainer component includes their name, age, rating, and gender. On the other hand, customers have components such as name, email, phone number, weight, and height. The course component includes duration, level, calorie burn, workout type, the name of the personal trainer, and the class capacity.
- Ibrahim Rijal - 2106633323
- Mohammad varrel bramasta - 2106733811
- Najwa Fathiadisa - 2106654391
- Login and Register
- Login has two types: admin login and member login
- Users have the ability to rate personal trainers
- User passwords are already encrypted.
The Account table is used to store the data of the Account
on the website. This table has several attributes, including:
1. user_ID
2. name
3. email
4. pass
5. phone
6. bdate
7. age
8. weight
9. height
10. bmi
11. gender
12. admin_priv
13. accountimg_url
The personal_trainers table is used to store the data of the personal_trainers
on the website. This table has several attributes, including:
1. personal_trainer_id
2. name
3. gender
4. accountimg_url
5. rating_sum
6. rate_count
The class table is used to store the data of the class
on the website. This table has several attributes, including:
1. class_id
2. duration
3. personal_trainer_id
4. difficulty
5. calorie
6. workout
7. pt_name
8. capacity
9. booked
The bookings table is used to store the data of the bookings
on the website. This table has several attributes, including:
1. booking_id
2. start_time
3. end_time
4. class_id
5. user_id
6. booking_status
The ratings table is used to store the data of the ratings
on the website. This table has several attributes, including:
1. rating_id
2. personal_trainer_id
3. user_id
4. rating
5. comment