My name is Sina Hazeghi and I am an undergraduate student at Rutgers New Brunswick majoring in Math and Computer Science. My primary interests are machine learning, software development, and artificial intelligence. Contact me at [email protected].
(This profile is pretty outdated, for a more up to date look at what I'm working on check out my personal website or look through my recent repositories)
Computer Architecture Projects
Project 1:
- Implement ordered link lists and stacks and queues in pa1/second and pa1/third respectively
- Under pa1/fifth you will find a Matrix Determinant calculator that works for n x n square matrices using dynamically allocated 2D arrays
Project 2:
- In pa2/third and pa2/fourth I implement BFS and DFS traversal algorithms respectively
- Under pa2/fifth I find the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices in a graph using Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm along with a topsorting algorithm to identify whether a graph is directed and acyclic
- pa2/sixth solves the shortest path problem for undirected graphs using Djikstra's algorithm
- pa2/ninth and tenth convert decimals to IEEE-754 FP format and back respectively (with a variable number of mantissa and exponent bits)
Project 4:
- In this project I simulate write-allocate and write through caches that can work with both an lru and fifo replacement policy.
- In pa4/first I implement an L1 cache and in pa4/second I implement the L1 and L2 caches in an exclusive hierarchy, meaning that L1 and L2 do not share the same cache blocks.