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An educational C++ software renderer designed to help developers understand the inner workings of rendering pipelines and how OpenGL operates behind the scenes.


SimpleRenderer is a software renderer built with the primary goal of educating developers about the fundamentals of 3D rendering and graphics pipelines. By providing a simplified yet functional rendering framework, it demystifies the complex processes involved in rendering graphics, mirroring how OpenGL and other graphics APIs work under the hood.


  • Educational Focus: Designed to teach the core concepts of rendering, including vertex processing, rasterization, shading, and transformations.
  • Demystifying OpenGL: Offers insights into how OpenGL and GPU-based rendering pipelines function internally.
  • Hands-On Learning: Allows developers to experiment with rendering algorithms and observe the effects of various techniques in real-time.

Key Features

  • Customizable Shaders: Implemented vertex and fragment shaders to demonstrate how shading works at a fundamental level.
  • Simplified Rendering Pipeline: Breaks down the rendering process into understandable stages, mirroring the OpenGL pipeline.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compatible with Linux and macOS, facilitating learning across different environments.
  • Extensive Documentation: Provides detailed explanations of each component to aid learning and comprehension.

Learning Objectives

By exploring SimpleRenderer, you will learn:

  • How vertices are transformed from 3D space to 2D screen coordinates.
  • The process of assembling primitives (triangles) and performing clipping.
  • How rasterization converts vector information into pixels.
  • The fundamentals of shading models, including lighting calculations.
  • How depth buffering and backface culling optimize rendering.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

sudo apt install doxygen graphviz clang-format clang-tidy cppcheck lcov gcc g++ libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libomp-dev libspdlog-dev cmake libassimp-dev

For macOS users, install dependencies using Homebrew:

brew install doxygen graphviz clang-format clang-tidy cppcheck lcov gcc sdl2 sdl2_ttf libomp spdlog cmake assimp

Building the Project

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd SimpleRenderer

2. Configure and Build Using CMake Presets

For a standard build:

cmake --preset=build
cmake --build build --target all

For macOS:

cmake --preset=build-macos
cmake --build build-macos --target all

3. Run the Example Application

./build/bin/system_test ../obj

Understanding the Renderer

Core Rendering Pipeline

The rendering pipeline in SimpleRenderer is designed to mirror the stages of a typical GPU-based pipeline, providing a clear view of how each component contributes to the final rendered image.

  1. Vertex Processing and Transformations

    • Objective: Understand how 3D models are projected onto a 2D screen.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Model Matrix: Positions and orients models in the world.
      • View Matrix: Represents the camera's position and orientation.
      • Projection Matrix: Defines the camera's lens (field of view, aspect ratio).
  2. Primitive Assembly and Clipping

    • Objective: Learn how individual vertices form triangles and how off-screen parts are handled.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Triangle Assembly: Grouping vertices into drawable primitives.
      • Clipping: Discarding or adjusting primitives outside the view frustum.
  3. Rasterization and Fragment Processing

    • Objective: Discover how triangles are converted into pixel data.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Barycentric Coordinates: Used for interpolating vertex attributes across a triangle.
      • Depth Buffering: Ensures correct rendering of overlapping objects.
      • Fragment Shaders: Calculate the color and other attributes of each pixel.
  4. Shading and Lighting Models

    • Objective: Explore how lighting affects the appearance of surfaces.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Phong Shading Model: Simulates realistic lighting with ambient, diffuse, and specular components.
      • Surface Normals: Determine how light interacts with surfaces.
      • Light Sources: Understand different types of lights (directional, point, ambient).
  5. Optimization Techniques

    • Objective: Learn methods to improve rendering efficiency.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Backface Culling: Eliminates faces not visible to the camera.
      • Spatial Partitioning: Organizes objects to reduce rendering workload.

Code Structure

  • src/rasterizer.cpp

    Focuses on the rasterization process, converting vector data into raster images. Key learning points include:

    • Implementing barycentric interpolation.
    • Managing depth buffering.
    • Handling edge cases in rasterization.
  • src/renderer.cpp

    Orchestrates the rendering process. Highlights include:

    • Setting up transformation matrices.
    • Managing the rendering loop.
    • Integrating shaders and handling user input.
  • src/include/

    Contains header files with detailed comments explaining the purpose and functionality of classes and methods.

Experimentation and Learning

To maximize learning, consider the following steps:

  • Modify Shaders

    Experiment with the shader code to see how changes affect rendering.

  • Adjust Transformations

    Play with the model, view, and projection matrices to understand their impact on the scene.

  • Implement New Features

    Try adding new lighting models, textures, or shading techniques.


Generate the documentation to delve deeper into the codebase:

cmake --build build --target doc
xdg-open doc/html/index.html

The documentation provides detailed explanations and diagrams to enhance understanding.


Your contributions can help others learn. Feel free to:

  • Submit pull requests with improvements or new educational features.
  • Report issues or suggest enhancements.
  • Share your learning experiences.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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