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Fable.SignalR Nuget

Fable bindings for the SignalR client, a wrapper for the .NET client, and ASP.NET Core/Giraffe/Saturn wrappers for SignalR server hubs.

The full documentation can be found here.

On the client

let textDisplay = React.functionComponent(fun (input: {| count: int; text: string |}) ->
    React.fragment [
        Html.div input.count
        Html.div input.text

let buttons = React.functionComponent(fun (input: {| count: int; hub: Hub<Action,Response> |}) ->
    React.fragment [
        Html.button [
            prop.text "Increment"
            prop.onClick <| fun _ -> input.hub.current.sendNow (Action.IncrementCount input.count)
        Html.button [
            prop.text "Decrement"
            prop.onClick <| fun _ -> input.hub.current.sendNow (Action.DecrementCount input.count)
        Html.button [
            prop.text "Get Random Character"
            prop.onClick <| fun _ -> input.hub.current.sendNow Action.RandomCharacter

let render = React.functionComponent(fun () ->
    let count,setCount = React.useState 0
    let text,setText = React.useState ""

    let hub =
        React.useSignalR<Action,Response>(fun hub -> 
                .onMessage <|
                    | Response.NewCount i -> setCount i
                    | Response.RandomCharacter str -> setText str
    Html.div [
        prop.children [
            textDisplay {| count = count; text = text |}
            buttons {| count = count; hub = hub |}

On the server

module SignalRHub =
    open FSharp.Control.Tasks.V2

    let update (msg: Action) =
        match msg with
        | Action.IncrementCount i -> Response.NewCount(i + 1)
        | Action.DecrementCount i -> Response.NewCount(i - 1)
        | Action.RandomCharacter ->
            let characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
            |> fun i -> characters.ToCharArray().[i]
            |> string
            |> Response.RandomCharacter

    let invoke (msg: Action) _ =
        task { return update msg }

    let send (msg: Action) (hubContext: FableHub<Action,Response>) =
        update msg
        |> hubContext.Clients.Caller.Send

application {
    use_signalr (
        configure_signalr {
            endpoint Endpoints.Root
            send SignalRHub.send
            invoke SignalRHub.invoke

The shared file

type Action =
    | IncrementCount of int
    | DecrementCount of int
    | RandomCharacter

type Response =
    | NewCount of int
    | RandomCharacter of string

module Endpoints =
    let [<Literal>] Root = "/SignalR"