- create a simple game where you are walking along a trail.
- You begin your adventure at the bottom of the trail and you hike your way up to the top.
- If you turn around you are facing the other direction.
- Commit to GitHub
- Use single-purpose commits
- Use semantic commit messages
- Use your framework (React, Vue, or Angular)
- Use Typescript and strongly typed code
- For design use, Ionic Framework is a plus
- Unit test is a plus
- All the images will be as a JSON file, you must determine the structure
- Record how many hours you spent on the project
- Record what you would improve on if you had more time.
- Include these in the README.md
- Here are the pictures
Works on a phone (it is still a website but is mobile first)
Works as a desktop (responsive design)
It has scroll left and right buttons that scroll the background image left or right.
Has a button over the trail that if you press it you walk there. Like google street view but simpler [example]((https://www.google.ca/maps/@49.8741404,-119.3492443,3a,75y,105.46h,77.91t/data=! 3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhiWMCxfgWeF3VOkgJW3rA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)
- 14.03.2023
- receive mail about task -> 15:32
Spent Time to do personal scheduled plan
- 15.03.2023
research about Ionic framework & read document -> 07:20, 15.03.2023
make structure FE Task on github -> 11:10, 15.03.2023
success to rebuild the structure for Task of SotaTek -> 15:23, 15.03.2023
create document & merge feature branch to main -> 15.31, 15.03.2023image.png
merge: None branch / successfully created a default navigation stack about my process -> 15:50, 15.03.2023
feat: create assets folder & temp data for fetch as JSON -> 16:50, 15.03.2023
refactor: clean up styling and create general.css file -> 17:20, 15.03.2023
refactor: optimize navigation routes by path & feature -> 17:40, 15.03.2023
feat: create component about images & arrow button -> 18:20, 15.03.2023
- 16.03.2023
feat: create scroll button with arrow -> 10:10, 16.03.2023
feat: create animation move around in map -> 10: 40, 16.03.2023
feat: create function to fetch data from json file -> 11:00, 16.03.2023
feat: create mange json data using state -> 11.20, 16.03.2023
feat: create feature about explore map -> 12:23, 16.03.2023