A service to learn programming based on exercise repetition.
- Python and Django for backend
- Numl framework for frontend
- Poetry for virtual environment
- Pytest for testing
Homepage screen elements:
- 'Register' button
- 'Login' button
- 'Drill' button
- 'Take the test' button
Drilling screen elements:
- question and explanation texts
- four answers
- 'Help' button meaning 'I don't know'
- 'No correct answer' button meaning
- 'End' button, which returns to the 'select topic' screen
- 'Next question' button
Explain test screen elements:
- Test process or result explanation
- 'Take the test' button
Test screen elements:
- question
- answer field
- 'Submit' button
- "I don't know" button
- Correct answer >>> show correct answer and its explanation >>> next question (to implement later)
- Incorrect answer or "I don't know" answer >>> show correct answer and its explanation >>> next question (to implement later)
Command to run the tests:
poetry run python manage.py test backend
poetry run python manage.py createsuperuser
poetry run python manage.py createperson