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how it works unpublished updates management
Though the original commit that added this here as well as the code comments explain it well, it'll still be a topic in the wiki
The idea for this solution was born from a little bit of laziness
Laziness ??
, to start up the services provided through Docker
such as Elasticsearch
, Kibana
, and RabbitMQ
And to this day, whenever I run the solution, I never ever start that up 😂
So what would happen?
It's obviously a mandatory dependency for any microservice that publishes updates as well as for those subscribing to the updates
Whenever an update was made that required publishing, a 500 Internal Server Error
would be returned
Not the best thing to happen, and also, updates do get lost that way
One [actually an entire universe] can claim that error handling can occur right there within the request flow
This does cause a slight problem though, a slower response from the API as well as a reduced user experience
This was when the idea of passing it through a channel to be handled elsewhere came up
Now the first piece of the solution, the PublishUpdateChannel
With that, since channels are used, and to read data from the channel requires using an IAsyncEnumerable
, a background service is created for that purpose
Enters the second piece of the solution, the PublishUpdateChannelReaderBackgroundService
Now, the third piece, the publisher interface IMessagePublisher
The method signature of the AddUnpublishedUpdatesManagement
is this:
public static IServiceCollection AddUnpublishedUpdatesManagement<TMessagePublisherImplementation>(
this IServiceCollection services,
string databaseConnectionString) where TMessagePublisherImplementation : class, IMessagePublisher
// ...
With TMessagePublisherImplementation
being passed in, there's a possibility of having various implementations of the interface, however, two is used in this solution
- RabbitMQ [
] - Azure Service Bus [
Moving to the forth piece of this solution, where exactly will the updates be stored if they are not published the first time ??
The UnpublishedUpdateDbContext
containing only one DbSet UnpublishedUpdate
The update is wrapped and stored as an EncodedUpdate
Here's the code snippet for that:
var unpublishedUpdate = new UnpublishedUpdate
EncodedUpdate = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(message)),
Destination = destination
Now, with every DbContext comes a repository, the fifth piece for this solution, the IUnpublishedUpdateRepository
with an implementation, UnpublishedUpdateRepository
And finally, something needs to periodically check the database for unpublished updates and retry them
The sixth piece, RetryUnpublishedUpdatesWorker
added as a background service
This is the full solution added to the services collection
public static IServiceCollection AddUnpublishedUpdatesManagement<TMessagePublisherImplementation>(
this IServiceCollection services,
string databaseConnectionString) where TMessagePublisherImplementation : class, IMessagePublisher
services.AddDbContext<UnpublishedUpdateDbContext>(options =>
options.UseSqlServer(databaseConnectionString, sqlServerOptions =>
sqlServerOptions.EnableRetryOnFailure(maxRetryCount: 5);
services.AddScoped<IUnpublishedUpdateRepository, UnpublishedUpdateRepository>();
services.AddSingleton<IMessagePublisher, TMessagePublisherImplementation>();
return services;
From the producer's side, the BaseMessage
is formed and sent through the channel
var baseMessage = new BaseMessage
TraceId = Activity.Current!.TraceId.ToString(),
SpanId = Activity.Current!.SpanId.ToString(),
AccessToken = HttpContext.Request.Headers.Authorization[0]!.Replace("Bearer ", ""),
SerializedModel = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(updateAccountModel),
IdOfEntityToUpdate = id
var configurationKeyForDestination = environment.IsDevelopment()
? "RabbitMQ:Exchanges:UpdateAccount"
: "AzureServiceBus:Topics:UpdateAccount";
await publishUpdateChannel.WriteToChannelAsync(baseMessage, configuration[configurationKeyForDestination]!);
On the consumer end of the channel, the message is received and a publish is attempted, if an exception is thrown, it'll be caught and regardless of the error, the unpublished update will be encoded and written to the database
Here's that code
// Shortened for brevity
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await foreach (var (message, destination) in publishUpdateChannel.ReadAllFromChannelAsync())
message.StartANewActivity("Attempting to publish update");
await messagingServicePublisher.PublishMessageAsync(message, destination);
catch (Exception ex)
"{announcement}: Attempt to publish update to {publishDestination} destination was unsuccessful, writing to the database to try again later",
"FAILED", destination);
using var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope();
var unpublishedUpdateRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IUnpublishedUpdateRepository>();
var unpublishedUpdate = new UnpublishedUpdate
EncodedUpdate = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(message)),
Destination = destination
await unpublishedUpdateRepository!.CreateAsync(unpublishedUpdate);
await unpublishedUpdateRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
Since a HostedService
is a singleton and the IUnpublishedUpdateRepository
is a scoped service, the IServiceScopeFactory
is used to create a scope that lives only in - and is disposed off after - the catch
For the retry worker, here's that code
// Shortened for brevity
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
using var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope();
var unpublishedUpdateRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUnpublishedUpdateRepository>();
var unpublishedUpdates = await unpublishedUpdateRepository.RetrieveAllAsync();
unpublishedUpdates.ForEach(unpublishedUpdate =>
var message = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<BaseMessage>(Base64UrlEncoder.DecodeBytes(unpublishedUpdate.EncodedUpdate))
?? throw new InvalidOperationException("message cannot be null");
message.StartANewActivity("Retrying to publish update");
messagingServicePublisher.PublishMessageAsync(message, unpublishedUpdate.Destination);
"Worker => Unpublished update was published successfully to {destination} after {retries} retries",
unpublishedUpdate.Destination, unpublishedUpdate.Retries);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError(ex, "The message bus is unavailable");
await unpublishedUpdateRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
The flow here is:
- Use the
to create a scope - Get the
- Retrieve all the unpublished updates
- Go through each update and increment the number of retries [this is tracked in the EF Core change tracker]
- Decode the update
- Retry publishing of the update, and if it succeeds, it's deleted from the database [tracked via the EF Core change tracker], but if it doesn't, nothing really happens
- Any changes in the EF Core change tracker is then persisted to the database
Almost forgot, the UnpublishedUpdateDbContext
is migrated every time the application starts up, NOT a good practice but makes things a little easier
await app.MigrateUnpublishedUpdatesManagementDatabaseAsync();
No visual for this one, it's not as straight-forward as the others unfortunately 😞
- Health Checks UI
- Mvc Frontend
- Web Backend-For-Frontend
- Address Service
- Address Worker
- Identity Service
- Order Service
- Order Worker
- Tyres Service