It's a Bukkit server plugin.
I've implemented a command which counts already placed blocks and limits.
It is /bpl count
for blocks placed by you
and /bpl count <player>
for blocks placed by <player>
Now I'll tell you how to configure my plugin.
config.yml example:
enable: true
- 1
- 2
- 25
- 50
- 3
- 5
- 0
- 7
- You can enable/disable plugin by setiing "enable" in first string to "true" or "false"
- Next you can set limits for various blocks. In that example
- block with ID = 1 has limit = 3,
- block with ID = 2 has limit = 5,
- block with ID = 25 has no limit (zero is unlimited),
- block with ID = 50 has limit = 7,
- other blocks are unlimited.
!!! In this version it counts only blocks that has been placed or removed while plugin is enabled.