Python Modules
cd /path/to/install
git clone
chmod +x PanMarker/
echo 'export PATH=/path/to/install/PanMarker:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
1、Mapping reference cds to all genomes in pan-genome
# For each sample, run command below
gmap_build -D . -d DB genomeN.fasta
gmap -D . -d DB -f 2 -n 1 -t 20 ref.cds > genomeN.gff3
2、Extract cds with gff3 file generated by gmap
# For each sample, run command below
./ genomeN.gff3 genomeN.fasta 2000 genomeN
3、Extract variants and extart variant sites associate with traits
ls *.prm >prm.file
ls *.cds >cds.file
use cds file :
python3 -i cds.file -p trait.file -e FPKM.file -s cds -o prefix -g T\F【-t num -a person_cor】
-i INPUTFILE, --inputfile input file(cds or prm file list)
-p PHE, --phe phenotype file
-e EXP, --exp expression profile
-s TYPE --type file type, cds or prm
-o OUTPUT, --output output file prefix
-g GRU, --gru T or F,Ture or False, whether to perform phenotype outlier filtering
-t THREAT, --threat Number of threads (default=10)
-a PERVALUE --pervalue Pearson correlation coefficient(default=0.3)
trait.file :
sample1 value1
sample2 value2
sampleN valueN
FPKM.file :
gene1 gene2 gene3 ... geneN
sample1 xx xx xx ... xx
sample2 xx xx xx ... xx
sampleN xx xx xx ... xx
use prm file:
python3 -i prm.file -p FPKM.file -s prm -o prefix -g T\F【-t num】
-i INPUTFILE, --inputfile input file(cds or prm file list)
-p PHE, --phe expression profile
-s TYPE --type file type, cds or prm
-o OUTPUT, --output output file prefix
-g GRU, --gru T or F,Ture or False, whether to perform phenotype outlier filtering
-t THREAT, --threat Number of threads (int,default=10)
-a PERVALUE --pervalue Pearson correlation coefficient(float,default=0.3)
prefix.result(all variant sites associate with phenotype)
prefix.out(top 5% variant sites associate with phenotype)