- Increment
- Decrement
- Arithmetical assignment { +=, -=, *=, /= }
- For statement
- Do while
- Multiple assignment
- Ternary operator
- Switch Case
- Allow structs and arrays to be passed as parameters
- Parameter passing with ref keyword.
- Potential operator.?
- Multiple comparison (<< or >>)
- Allow variable assignment on declaration
- I need a new class (Reference) that implements Expression and also stores an Expression which has to be lvalue (be careful with indexing). It cannot be called outside of an invocation. I have to change the parser also to allow the passed parameters to be instances of Reference class.
- A power has to be converted into a function (power(left,right)) in order to store a reference to both expression
- Allows the comparison of multiple expressions without needing to use the logical operators. Whenever a comparison is false it stops checking.
- Previous extensions
- Change multiple asignment (a = b = 3) by a, b = 2, 3;