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To run the script, Python 3+ is required. Also, make sure to install the following Python libraries (most are shipped by default):

  • argparse
  • base64
  • random
  • gzip
  • urllib
  • magic

You can install the required libraries using pip:

python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt


You can run the encoder script with the following command:

python3 {random,base64,uri or unicode} [--gzip] input.html output.html  

If you use the random flag, the script will execute all encoding methods a random number of times between one and ten. The encoding_steps should not go above 10, as large files can be generated based on input size. Each method produces a different filesize increase factor, as shown in the table below:

Encoding Type Filesize Increase Factor
Unicode ~6
URI ~3
Base64 ~1.34

To compress the output file and insert it into a webpage that will self-extract with pako (imported at runtime from Cloudflare CDN), use the --gzip flag.


The decoder script can be run using the following command:

python3 [--cyberchef] input.html output.html

To output the corresponding CyberChef recipe to a JSON file for easy import, use the --cyberchef flag.


Included in this project are several webpages for testing purposes:

  • example.html: a simple "Hello World" webpage to test basic functionality.
  • exampleCoffeeHouse.html: slightly more complex, including an image (mime type base64) and some URLs that can be extracted in CyberChef.
  • calc.html: a simple JS calculator, with the code having been passed through an online obfuscator, although the original code is still contained within.




  • Add a method to search for and decode decodeURIComponent() or decodeURI()
  • Think of how to get encoded data by reference.
  • Think of how to deal with multiple encoding methods at the end, for example, a file that has multiple atobs or unicodes at the end.
  • Consider having a step mode so the decoder will do one step at a time and show what happens at each step.